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Northern Wolffish / Blue Catfish – Anarhichas Denticulatus / Anarhichas Latifrons

Northern wolffish fishing is done as a bycatch all year. The major product is frozen heads and guts. Northern wolffish has a higher lipid content than cod species and is high in protein, vitamin D, and vitamin B12.

Quick Facts

Can Be FrozenCan Be Frozen
Good On a BBQGood On a BBQ
Origin: NorwayOrigin: Norway

The northern wolffish, commonly known as the blue catfish, is a bottom-dwelling fish found in cold, deep waters around rocky outcroppings. The northern wolffish, on the other hand, is thought to live a more pelagic existence than the spotted wolffish. It can be found at depths ranging from the surface to 1200 meters. The flesh has a distinct texture and higher moisture levels than most species on the market.

Main catching season



Fishing methods

Trawling, ground line, ground net


Grading FAS
Average 6kg up
